1 komentar
Is leading automotive componont manufacturer seeking for candidates to fill the following positions:
Accounting & Internal Audit Staff
(Jakarta Raya)
- Monitoring the company cashflow
- Cash control and bank reconciliation
- Close supervision of the Accounts Payable
- Close supervision and monitoring of Account Receivable ensuring credit control &monthly collection targets are met
- Liasing with bankers, financial institutions & auditors on all company related matters
- Male / Female max. 30 years old
- Min. S1 Accounting from reputable university
- Relevant experience in Accounting/Tax/Auditing is an advantage
- Good communication (both orally and writing in English)
- Able to work underpressure and working with less supervision
- Computer literate
- Strong analytical and problem solving skills
- Proactive and results oriented
- Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
Supervisor produksi and Engineer
(Jakarta Raya)
- Male.
- Ages maximum 30 Years Old.
- S1 / D3 / Poltek in Technique (Mechanic, Mechathronic, Industrial, Metallurgy), and Institut Pertanian Bogor are welcome to apply
- Having good knowledge in Production Process
- Excellent in using 2D & 3D CAD Soft
- Able to operate CNC Machine & CAM Soft
- Good communication (both orally and writing in English)
- Able to work underpressure and working with less supervision
- High Leadership
- Computer literate
- Strong analytical and problem solving skills
- Proactive and results oriented
- Fresh Graduate and Experience are welcome to apply
Submit your application to:
Jl. Gaya Motor Raya,
Sunter II, Jakarta Utara, 14330
or hrd@pakoakuina.com
UP : Jane P. Lieben
Posting Komentar (Atom)
16 Oktober 2010 pukul 20.53
KepadA YTH
ManageR HRD
Di TempaT.
PerihaL : Permohonan Kerja
Dengan HormaT,,
Dengan ini Saya Mengajuka Permohonan Kerja Kepada Perusahaan Yang Bapak/Ibu Pimpin Dan Untuk Keperluan Permohonan ini Saya Sampaikan Dengan Hormat Data-Data Seperti di Bawah ini ;
B. AlamaT ; JL.Teuku UmaR No.39 Rt.004/01
KeL.SepanjanG Jaya - Kec.Rawa Lumbu Bekasi 17114
C. Telp ; ( 021 ) 82422401 / 082110265288
D. Tempat/Tgl/Lahir ; Jakarta, 18 Oktober 1989
E. Kewarganegaraan ; Indonesia ( WNI )
F. Jenis Kelamin ; Laki-Laki
G. Agama ; Islam
H. Pedidikan Terakhir ; Sekolah Menengah Atas Negri ( SMAN )
Bersama ini Saya Lampirkan ;
1. Ijazah Terakhi
2. Daftar Riwayat Hidup
3. Kartu Kuning Depnaker
4. Surat Keterangan catatan Kepolisian ( SKCK )
5. Kartu Keterangan Dokter
6. Kartu Penduduk ( KTP )
7. Pas Foto 4x6
Besar Harapan Saya Agar Permohonan Kerja ini Dapat Di Terima,Atas Perhatian Dan Bantuan Bapak / Ibu Yang Sangat Berharga Saya Ucapkan Terima Kasih.
Hormat Saya