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Since its establishment in 1975, PT Kajima Indonesia has grown into a leading company that provides design and engineering, construction and development with International recognition.
Due to executed our several new projects, we are now intended to strengthen our construction team and are seeking qualified candidates for the following position:

Cost Control
(Jakarta Raya)


  • Graduated D-3 Civil Engineering from reputable university.
  • Female.
  • Fresh graduated are welcome to apply.
  • Good communication skills in English.
  • Computer literate.
  • Willing to work hard and highly motivated.


Safety Officer
(Jakarta Raya)


  • Graduated from reputable university, preferably D-3 of Industrial Hygiene, Occupational Health and Safety.
  • Male.
  • Fresh graduate are welcome to apply.
  • Good communication skills in English.
  • Computer literate.

Interested candidates should send their application in writing together with CV, recent photograph and other related supporting documents no later than 10 (ten) working days after this advertisement to:

PT. Kajima Indonesia
Sentral Senayan 1, 17th Floor
Jl. Asia Afrika No. 8, Jakarta 10270
Attn. : Personnel Section
Fax to : 021-5724433


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PT. Sibelco Lautan Minerals is a part of the Sibelco Group, Belgium, which is operating in the minerals manufacturer purpose application to many sector industries, such as Glass Industry, Ceramic Industry, etc. Located in Jababeka Industrial Estate, Cikarang, now we’he have been having four factories in Indonesia. In a line of company development which growing fast, we need employee as Geologis Staff who a capable, dynamic and hard willing to develop company.

(Jawa Barat)


  • Team player but also competent and self motivated to work alone
  • Minimum 2 years experiences in industrial minerals exploration
  • Posses tertiary education in major geology sciences, geology engineering or mine engineering.
  • Posses the skills of field mapping, sampling, drill target generation, resources estimation and evaluation.
  • Posses skills in mining operation and mine planning (short and long range) included pit design, scheduling, grade control - quality control mine, and mine disposal (for Mine Engineer – Mine geologist).
  • Strong knowledge of the commercial minerals industry and related industry would be a distinct advantage.
  • Frequent travelers as extensive work within country prospects, quarries and processing plants is a core of the role.
  • Good negotiation and presentation skill including the confidence to deal with external individual organization of the public professional and positive manner.
  • Fresh graduate are welcome to apply.

All applicants must be fluent in English and computer literate. Interested applicants are invited to mail your complete CV together with recent photograph to:

HRD Departement
PT Sibelco Lautan Minerals
Email :

Only short-listed candidate will be contacted.


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Kami membutuhkan orang yang dinamis, berorientasi pada tujuan dan inovatif, bergabunglah bersama tim innovator kami sebagai :

Export Import Staff
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Pusat)


  • Male
  • Young, tough and energetic, ranging from 22-23 years old
  • Fresh graduated from respectable university, held bachelor degree (preferably in computerized accounting)
  • English proficiency (written and oral) is required
  • Computer skills (MS Office, Internet, etc) are needed
  • Strong administrative skills
  • Good teamwork and communicative
  • Committed and willing to work hard

Kirimkan lamaran lengkap Anda ke alamat di bawah ini

Gedung Data Scrip lt 5, Kawasan Niaga Selatan, Blok B15, Bandar Kemayoran, Jakarta 10610
e-mail : corp.r&

*Jangan lupa untuk mencantumkan kode posisi yang diinginkan di sudut kanan atas amplop atau pada subject email yang Anda kirim.

** Hanya yang memenuhi persyaratan diatas yang akan dipanggil**


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Lowongan Global Lintas Niaga

Global Lintas Niaga, distributor yang bergerak di industri makanan dan sedang mengembangkan pemasaran di Area Jawa Timur ( Kediri, Surabaya, Mojokerto, Probolinggo, Malang, Tulungagung, Madiun, Pamekasan, Jember dan hampir merambah Jawa Timur, Bali dan Nasional) membutuhkan tenaga yang handal untuk posisi :

1. Take Order Salesman (TOS)
2. Delivery Salesman (DLS)

1. Single, Usia Max. 28 tahun ( lebih diutamakan )
2. Bersedia ditempatkan di area kerja Jawa Timur.
3. Mampu bekerja dalam tim, berdedikasi tinggi, komunikatif, punya jiwa kepemimpinan dan jujur

1. Pria
2. Pendidikan Min D1 segala jurusan
3. Memiliki sepeda motor sendiri dan SIM C (1).
4. Memiliki SIM A/B1 (2)
5. Komunikatif dan berminat dibidang sales(1,2)

- Gaji Pokok UMR
- Tunjangan Prestasi (Performance)
- Asuransi, Mess, Uang Transport
- Pendidikan dan Latihan (Ada Penjelasan Lebih Lanjut)

Lamaran dikirimkan kepada:

Jln. Cucak Rawun Blok 16/L No.3 Sawojajar II Malang
telp. 0341 724906

Dengan melampirkan :
· Surat Lamaran
· Curriculum Vitae (CV) / Daftar Riwayat Hidup
· No HP/ Telp Rumah
· Foto 4x6 berwarna
· Fotokopi KTP
· Fotokopi Ijazah Terakhir dan SIM C/A/B

Berkas lamaran disusun rapi sesuai urutan dengan mencantumkan kode posisi di amplop pojok kiri atas. 50 Pengirim pertama akan diproses lebih awal. Pengiriman Berkas Lamaran Paling lambat tanggal: 23 Agustus 2008


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AKR Group is a large Indonesian Multinational Group of Companies in the area of Logistic Services, Manufacturing, Trading, Port Operations and Agro businesses.
We are PT Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo Tbk is part of AKR Group.

Our New Vision:
To be Asia leading producer of World Class agro based products.

We are the world second largest producer of Sorbitol exporting our products to more than 60 countries, winner for the second successive year of Primaniyarta Award for Export Performance. In the year of 2007 our profit has grown to become more than 300% from the previous year.
We project ourselves to become World Class Indonesian Company with by setting up aggressive growth plan of our Agro Business, professionally managed, Management Stock Option Plan and some other programs.

To share our vision of continuous growth in worldwide markets, we invite dynamic and result oriented person with motivation and creativity to full fill following position:


Purpose of the Job:
Maintain and repair the whole of Company instruments system

- To understand Production Process in Sorini, and analyze performance improvement related all aspect of instruments (measurement equipments related to physic parameter)
- To design and improve PLC (Program Logic Controller) system

- Male, S1 degree of Physics / Electrical engineering , GPA > 3,0
- Experience or fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Competent to handle PLC (Program Logic Controller) & Industry instruments
- Team player, willingness to learn & work under pressure
- Conversant with English (Oral / written)
- Conversant with MS office operation
- Age  max 28 years

If you are interested in taking up above challenging career with good remuneration, send a detailed resume with a recent photo to:
Human Resources Department
PT Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo Tbk
E-mail :


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Lowongan Dosen ITS
Berlaku sampai dengan 12 September 2008
URL Sumber :

NOTE : Bagi yang berdomisili di luar negeri, lamaran bisa dikirimkan
lewat email ke
rekrutmen [et]

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) adalah salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri terkemuka di Indonesia dengan mahasiswa lebih dari 17.672.ITS memiliki staf pengajar lebih dari 1012 orang. Para staf pengajar adalah sarjana dari perguruan tinggi terkemuka baik dalam negeri ataupun luar negeri. Ini menjadikan ITS menjadi sumber acuan perguruan tinggi lain utamanya di kawasan Indonesia Timur.

Jurusan Sistem Informasi adalah salah satu jurusan dengan perkembangan tercepat di ITS. Sebagai Jurusan yang meraih ITS Best Performance 2007, jurusan Sistem Informasi bertekad menjadi salah satu jurusan terpandang di ASEAN di tahun 2015 .

Jurusan Sistem Informasi ITS mempunyai staf pengajar (dosen) yang
profesional dan berkualitas yang menempuh pendidikan lanjut dari berbagai universitas terkemuka di dunia: Inggris, Belanda, Jepang, Taiwan, dan Korea Selatan.

Jurusan Sistem Informasi ITS kini didominasi oleh orang muda bertalenta dan berproduktivitas tinggi di bidang Teknologi Informasi (64% dari semua staff dosen berusia dibawah 35 tahun dan 52% berusia dibawah 30 tahun).

Jurusan Sistem Informasi ITS kini kembali membuka kesempatan
seluas-luasnya bagi para fresh graduate, researcher , akademisi, dan
profesional terbaik untuk bergabung sebagai staff pengajar (dosen) honorer FULL TIME

1. S1 dari : 
- Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka (berakreditasi A) atau 
- PT Luar Negeri (terakreditasi DIKTI di )
2. S1 dengan major/minor : : 
- Sistem Informasi/ Manajemen Informatika 
- Ilmu Komputer/Teknik Informatika
- Teknik Komputer 
- Teknologi Informasi 
- Teknik Perangkat Lunak
3. IPK S1>="3
4. TOEFL Score >="500" (institutional TOEFL is welcome)
5. Berdedikasi dan berkomitmen tinggi terhadap dunia pendidikan
6. Jika masih S1, bersedia melanjutkan studi S2 di bidang Sistem informasi
7. Lebih disukai sudah memegang ijazah S2
8. Lebih disukai memiliki prestasi, baik nasional maupun internasional
9. Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman kerja
10. Lebih disukai memiliki sertifikasi internasional (CISA, PMP, SCJP,
MCP, OCP, CCNP, dsb)</BR">

Surat Lamaran dapat dikirimkan ke :

Yth. Ketua Jurusan Sistem Informasi

d.a Bagian Tata Usaha Jurusan Sistem Informasi
Gedung Fakultas Teknologi Informasi (FTIf) Lt 2
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya Kodepos 60111

dengan dilampiri :

1. Curiculum Vitae (CV)
2. Copy Ijazah / Surat Keterangan Lulus (S1 dan S2, kalau ada)
3. Copy Transkrip Akademik (S1 dan S2, kalau ada)
4. Copy Sertifikasi TOEFL
5. Foto 4×6 (I Lembar)

Hanya kandidat terbaik sajalah yang akan dipanggil


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