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Rumah Sakit Citra Medika Sidoarjo Membutuhkan Tenaga kesehatan :

1. Dokter Umum, Kriteria :
- Pria/ Wanita
- Usia 25 - 35 tahun
- Memiliki sertifikat ATLS, ACLS, ECG

2. Dokter gigi, kreteria :
- Pria / Wanita
- Usia 25 - 35 tahun

3. Perawat, kriteria :
- Pria / Wanita
- Usia 20 - 35 tahun
- Memiliki sertififkat BLS

4. Bidan, Kriteria :
- Wanita
- Usia 20 - 35 tahun
- Memiliki sertifikat BLS

5. Analis Kesehatan, Kreteria :
- Pria / wanita
- Usia 20 -35 tahun

6. Apoteker.
7. Fisioterapi.
8. Radiologi.
9. Marketing.

Kriteria Umum :
- IPK Min 2.75
- Pengalaman min. 2 tahun sesuai dengan profesi yang dilamar
- Bersedia untuk menetap di Sidoarjo/ Mojokerto
- Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
- Berorientasi Pelanggan
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office)
- Memiliki Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris aktif/ pasif
- Berpenampilan menarik

Kirim lamaran lengkap, CV & pas foto terbaru ke :
HRD RS. Citra Medika
Jl. Surabaya Mojokerto Km. 44

atau ke alamat email :

Selambat-lambatnya tanggal 05 Januari 2009


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PT Krakatau Engineering was founded on October 12, 1988 as a wholly owned subsidiary company of PT Krakatau Steel (Persero). PT Krakatau Engineering serves and conducts either government or private projects in form of Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contract basis, industrial maintenance and also in consultancy service (Engineering, study and Project Management).

(Banten - Cilegon)


  • Melakukan administrasi file-file intern dan ekstern
  • Menyiapkan dokumen dan surat-surat penting
  • Menyiapkan laporan harian dan bulanan
  • Dan lain-lain yang berkaitan dengan tugasnya sebagai Sekretaris


  • Wanita
  • Maksimal usia 24 tahun
  • Minimal D3 (IPK min 2,9)
  • Fresh graduate (0-1 year experience)
  • Menguasai Window systems dan MS Office
  • Jujur, Teliti, inovatif, dan berinisiatif tinggi
  • Mempunyai komunikasi interpersonal yang baik
  • Menguasai bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris, lisan dan tulisan
  • Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
  • Ditempatkan di kantor pusat Cilegon
  • Bersedia menjadi karyawan kontrak

Kirim lamaran, CV, foto, ijazah, transkrip, dan sertifikat yang mendukung, serta cantumkan gaji yang diinginkan ke:

Paling lambat 31 Desember 2008


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Established in 1988, PT. Indocare Citrapasific started its business as a marketing company of imported health food and transparent soap. In accordance with company’s mission to provide holistic approach to human well-being, we have wide range and worldwide products, such as HOLISTICARE products (Ester C), Biocare, Vitacare, Nutracare, etc. Our competitive product price, one-stop services and consistent quality of products have enabled us to expand our market towards some of the well-known personal care and health food companies in the retail and direct selling sector.
In addition, the implementation of ISO 9001:2000 is another proof of our commitment to assist our customers to excel in a highly competitive market place by providing high quality products.
Our focus is to fulfill the needs of our customers, providing them with the best products and services possible. In pursuit of those, we strive to provide the highest standards of business ethics and personal integrity.
To achieve our vision and mission together with our great team, we invite professional & talented candidates who seek for challenges to fulfill the position below :

Organization Development Staff (OD Staff)
(Jakarta Raya - Meruya Utara, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat.)


  • Up date the Organization Structure and Job Description of all positions
  • Maintain Performance Management
  • Handle Management Trainee Program
  • Maintain Competency in organization
  • Maintain the Corporate Culture in organization


  • Candidate must possess at least a Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree in Human Resource Management, Psychology or equivalent.
  • Required skill(s): Human Resource Management, Organizational Development.
  • Required language(s): English.
  • Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
  • Full-Time positions available.
  • Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

Should you dare to challenge and meet the requirements above, kindly send your complete resume before January 08th 2009 to:

Kompleks Perkantoran Taman Meruya Blok N 21-26
Meruya Utara, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat 11620
or by
Email to:


1 komentar

We are a multi-national petroleum services company in the oil and gas sector, our Jakarta office is located at South Jakarta, and employs approximately 160 people. Our head office is in Houston, total company work force is around 4500 and the company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange
The successful candidate would join a well established company experiencing strong growth and would receive an attractive compensation package, job may involve International travel.

Junior Palynologist
(Jakarta Raya)


  • To perform sample preparation unsupervised according to the company standard operating procedures.
  • To perform foram, nanno and palynology sample preparation and to analyze neogen microfossil.
  • To be fully aware of the time schedule for sample preparation. To advise Group Leader/Supervisor of status of work or if problems are encountered in maintaining time schedule.
  • To fully complete all worksheets, data forms and administrative forms legibly and to maintain all worksheets, data forms and administrative form in the appropriate location.
  • To thoroughly check all raw data produced by the laboratory at each stage of analyses and consult with Group Leader/Supervisor to ensure that data is correct before it is reported to the client or the analyses proceeds to the next stage.
  • To perform calibration and maintenance of equipment as required.
  • To advice Group Leader/Supervisor of level of supplies, spare parts and consumable.
  • Act as Group Leader in the absence of the incumbent.
  • To maintain a clean efficient workplace.
  • To become familiar with the use of data and be involved in discussion groups, sales visit, conferences and discussions with clients.


  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Biology, Geology/Geophysics or equivalent.
  • Required skill(s): Familiar with foram, nanno and palynology, analyze neogen microfossil.
  • Required language(s): Bahasa Indonesia.
  • Preferred language(s): English.
  • Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
  • Contract positions available.
  • Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

If you meet the above qualification please send your completed resume including covering letter, Copies of Transcript, Training Certificates and passport sized photograph within 7 (Seven) days to:
Human Resources Department
PT Corelab Indonesia
Kawasan Komersial Cilandak, Gd. 303
Jln. Cilandak KKO
Jakarta 12560
Indicate the code on top left side of the envelope. Only short listed candidates will be notified.


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RealObjects (, a privately held
international software company based in Germany, provides leading
content authoring and electronic publishing solutions to a growing
network of educational institutions, small businesses and major
corporations in over 30 countries worldwide. Its WYSIWYG editing
solutions simplify and streamline the process of content authoring
within web- and Java based applications.

Together with our Indonesian technology partner PT. Indojasa Software
Aditama we currently recruiting 2 (two) JAVA SOFTWARE ENGINEER
(preferably a talented FRESH GRADUATE) for our Indonesian R&D center
in Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang.

The candidate shall have first experience in following fields:
- GUI Programming
- Java Applets/Beans
- Application server (Websphere/Tomcat)

Further requirements are:

- University degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or
equivalent. Junior developers, students and self-educated programmers are also welcome to apply.
- Good knowledge of the English language (oral and written)
- Willing to stay/work in Bumi Serpong Damai - Tangerang.
- Sun/Java certification would be an advantage.

An attractive compensation package and a lot of opportunities for
career development await the successful candidates. If your
qualification matches these requirements and if you want to be part of
a reputable international software company, please send your
comprehensive resume in English to

Only short listed candidates will be notified.


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Sebuah group usaha membuka kesempatan kerja sebagai:

- Graphic Design (Fashion), Full time atau part time
- Model Iklan produk Fashion, Part time
- Sales Counter/SPG, Full time
- Sales Force, Full time
- Staff Operasional, full time

Kualifikasi Umum:

- Pria/Wanita max 30 tahun, Khusus Wanita untuk SPG
- Minimum pendidikan SMA, lebih di sukai S1 untuk Graphic Design
- Memiliki kendaraan sendiri (Sepeda Motor) dan memiliki handphone
- Siap bekerja keras sesuai dengan target dan kewajiban kerja.
- Bersedia di tempatkan di seluruh wilayah jawa timur (Khususnya Surabaya dan Malang)

Kualifikasi Khusus:

Graphic Design

- Minimal menguasai program Photoshop dan Corel.
- Berjiwa seni dan kreatif serta mengerti trend mode fashion.
- Mempunyai email dan lebih di sukai yang menguasai Web Design
- Menyertakan contoh hasil design dalam soft copy dan hard copy

Model Iklan

- Fotogenic
- Proporsional dan menarik
- Menyertakan contoh hasil foto terbaik tanpa efek/filter

Sales Counter/SPG dan Sales Force

- Bersedia bekerja dalam target dan tekanan
- Mempunyai daya persuasif untuk menjual produk

Staff Operasional

- Minimal menguasai aplikasi office lebih di sukai yang mengerti system administrator
- Jujur dan disiplin
- Menguasai aplikasi Internet

Silahkan kirim lamaran lengkap, beserta foto serta nominal gaji yang di inginkan ke:


Jl. Klampis Jaya No. 96 Suite#21

Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan di panggil untuk proses seleksi


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- Pria/Wanita usia max. 25 tahun.
- Lulusan D3 Akuntansi atau S1 Akuntansi dengan IPK min. 3.00.
- Dapat bekerja sama dalam sebuah tim.
- Memiliki pengalaman dalam akuntansi persediaan merupakan nilai tambah.
- Dapat menggunakan computer dan aplikasi Open Office.
- Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa inggris merupakan nilai tambah.
- Bersedia bekerja keras dengan jadwal yang ketat dan padat.

Kirim lamaran dengan kode SAI paling lambat 10 Januari 2009 ke:

Jl. Raya Surabaya-Malang km.38, Gempol,
u.p. Personnel Manager

Atau melalui email ke


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PT. Wira Bhumi Sejati perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang Kontraktor, Rental alat berat dan pertambangan yang saat ini menangani proyek — proyek nasional baik di Jawa maupun luar Jawa membutuhkan penambahan tenaga kerja baru pada posisi :

1. Supervisor HRD (SPVHRD)

Adapun persyaratan umumnya adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Pria
2. Pendidikan S1 Psikologi/Hukum/Ekonomi
3. Usia maksimal 30 tahun
4. IPK minimal 2,75
5. Pengalaman dibidangnya min 1 th

Lamaran lengkap ditujukan ke :
PT. Wira Bhumi Sejati
Jl. Gayungsari Barat No. 9 Surabaya 60231
atau email ke
paling lambat tgl. 31 Desember 2008 dan pelamar mencantumkan no. telepon yang mudah dihubungi.


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