Kami membutuhkan orang yang dinamis, berorientasi pada tujuan dan inovatif, bergabunglah bersama tim innovator kami sebagai :
Production Supervisor (Plant Pandaan)
(Jawa Timur - Pandaan - Surabaya)
- Male, bachelor, max 35 years old
- Held S1 degree in Teknik Industri or Teknik Kimia
- General knowledge on Plant Production
- Placement at Pandaan - Surabaya
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap Anda ke alamat di bawah ini
Gedung Data Scrip lt 5, Kawasan Niaga Selatan, Blok B15, Bandar Kemayoran, Jakarta 10610
e-mail : corp.r&t@kino.co.id
*Jangan lupa untuk mencantumkan kode posisi yang diinginkan di sudut kanan atas amplop atau pada subject email yang Anda kirim.
** Hanya yang memenuhi persyaratan diatas yang akan dipanggil**
PT Haes Brothers
Our company is a well known analytical laboratory and process instruments distributor. We have been in business for over 30 years serving a wide range of industries across the nation ranging from agriculture to petrochemical markets. We are now looking for several new recruits to join our company.
Service & Support Engineer
(Jawa Timur - Surabaya Based)
- Perform Installation & Commissioning of Instruments
- Provide Training to End User / Customer
- Perform Repair / Troubleshoot faulty instruments
- Maintaining High Level of Customer Satisfaction
- Producing Report for all Service and Support Calls
- Male / Female, under 35 years.
- Bachelor / S1 degree from Electrical / Electronic Engineering or other related Engineering degree from well repute university.
- Min experience: 2 years. Experience in similar function will be an advantage.
- High Computer Literacy.
- Good Presentation and Communication Skills
- Good Command of Spoken & Written English. (There will be an English test during the interview).
- Possesses a valid Indonesian Driver's License (SIM A).
- Willing to travel intensively all over Indonesia
- Immediate availability
- Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Job Benefits & Rewards
Application Documents:
To apply, please send all the required application documents completely before 31st July 2008 via email to recruitment@haes.co.id or by post to
PT Haes Brothers
Jl. Suryopranoto 89
Jakarta 10160
We are HEINZ ABC INDONESIA, a part of a U.S. based global food corporation: H.J. Heinz Company – one of food & beverage highest rank producers in Indonesia by the very-strong-famous brand: ABC.
Currently we are looking for an OPERATIONS MANAGER to manage and lead our Logistics Department in East Indonesia area. This role is Surabaya-based by the requirement to frequently travel to our warehouse points in areas covered.
(Jawa Timur - Surabaya - East Java)
- We hope that our candidates are the dynamic professionals who are:
- possessing at least 5 years hands-on experience as Operations Manager or Logistics Manager in FMCG / logistics / pharmacy industry;
- comprehending the systems that connected with Logistics and supply chain management;
- system thinking person and capable to lead people in the light of team work;
- familiar with LEAN Thinking principles;
- good in computer based works in logistics best practice;
- English communicative;
Those who are interested with this great chance shall send their applications in PDF or Ms Word format (max 200 kb, no scan document required) along with recent photograph to:
Please quote “OM” as the subject of your email.
Advertisement closing date: 25 Jul-08
Bersama ini kami beritahukan bahwa, saat ini PT. Wira Bhumi Sejati perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang Kontraktor, Rental alat berat dan pertambangan yang saat ini menangani proyek — proyek nasional baik di Jawa membutuhkan penambahan tenaga kerja baru pada posisi :
Planner (PA)
Adapun persyaratan umumnya adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Pria
2. Pendidikan : PA - s1 Teknik Mesin
3. Usia maksimal 30 tahun
4. IPK minimal 2,75
5. Pengalaman 2 tahun dibidangnya lebih diutamakan
Lamaran lengkap ditujukan ke PT. Wira Bhumi Sejati dengan alamat:
Jl.Gayungsari Barat No. 9 Surabaya 60231
atau email ke hrd@wbs.co.id
Paling lambat tgl. 19 Juli 2008 dan pelamar mencantumkan no. telepon yang mudah
Product Development Staff (PD)
• Male or Female
• Food Technology / Agriculture Tech / Chemical eng
• Exp. Min 1 Year in Beverages R&D
Production Staff (PP)
• Male
• Food Technology / Mechanical / Chemical Eng
• Exp. Min 1 year in Beverages manufacture
PPIC staff (PPIC)
• Male,
• Mechanical / Industrial / Electrical Eng
• Exp. Min 1 year in Beverages manufacture
Quality Control Staff (P.QC)
• Male
• Food Technology / Fishery / Industrial / Chemical Eng
• Exp. Min 1 year in Beverages R&D
Quality Assurance Staff (QA)
• Male
• Food Technology / Fishery / Industrial / Chemical Eng
• Exp. Min 1 year in Beverages manufacture
General Requirements:
• MS Office,
• ISO,
• 5S / 5R,
• Proficient both written & Spoken English,
• Leadership,
• Problem solving,
• Decision making,
• Communication,
• Negotiation,
• Presentation.
Send Your CV, Added with Essay in English about the ideas in your position, before July’ 19, 2008 to:
Email: timur.supri@garudafood.co.id
PT. Triteguh Manunggal Sejati
Jl. Sawunggaling no 24
Jemundo Taman,Sidoarjo,
Jawa Timur
Only Short listed candidate will be notified. As soon as possible will be processed
Divisi Marketing & Support
Tenaga untuk mengisi divisi Marketing & Support di PT. Alfasoft kantor cabang Malang dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut :
Persyaratan Umum :
1. Laki-laki/perempuan muslim berusia maksimal 30 tahun
2. Telah/sedang menempuh program D I, DIII/S1, diutamakan yang sudah lulus
3. Memiliki kemampuan Public Relation yang baik
4. Memiliki komitmen dan etos kerja yang tinggi
5. Mampu bekerja dalam tim maupun individu
6. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
7. Memiliki kemampuan dan pengetahuan yang baik di bidang informatika, diutamakan yang memiliki kemampuan dan pengetahuan di bidang akuntansi
Contact Person :
HP : 0856 4641 4385
Kantor : 0341 — 402160
Divisi Pendidikan
Tenaga untuk mengisi divisi pendidikan di PT. Alfasoft kantor cabang Malang dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut :
Persyaratan Umum :
1. Laki-laki/perempuan muslim berusia maksimal 30 tahun
2. Telah/sedang menempuh program DIII/S1, diutamakan yang sudah lulus
3. Memiliki kemampuan Public Relation yang baik
4. Memiliki komitmen dan etos kerja yang tinggi
5. Memiliki kemampuan dan pengetahuan yang baik dibidang pendidikan, informatika, dan/atau akuntansi
Contact Person :
HP : 0856 4900 4383
Kantor : 0341-402160
Ketentuan :
Pelamar mengirimkan surat lamaran kerja dengan disertai : daftar riwayat hidup / CV, foto berwarna, ijasah pendidikan terakhir / surat keterangan lulus, sertifikat pelatihan, penghargaan, sample software (screenshot / installer) atau pekerjaan yang pernah diselesaikan, baik secara pribadi maupun tim.
Lamaran dapat dikirimkan melalui email alfa.amri@gmail.com atau dikirim langsung ke kantor PT Alfasoft di Jalan Kendalsari Barat Kav. 3, Malang (Samping Ruko Taman Niaga — Sukarno Hatta).
Penjelasan tentang sistem kerja, pendapatan (gaji & insentif) dibahas saat interview. Surat lamaran harap dikirimkan paling lambat tanggal 20 Juli 2008 ke alamat yang telah disebutkan di atas.