PT Hanjaya Mandala SAMPOERNA Tbk., one of the leading tobacco manufacturing companies in Indonesia, produces brands such as Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, and Sampoerna Hijau, and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International, one of the leading international tobacco company.
Due to business growth, upcoming projects and other business objectives, we are looking for talented people who possess a passionate and enterprising spirit to grow with us in forming the future of our business.
Current opportunities include:
Supervisor Area Marketing
(Aceh, Bali, Bengkulu, Papua, Jakarta Raya, Jambi, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur, Lampung, Maluku, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Riau, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Utara, Sumatera Barat, Sumatera Selatan, Sumatera Utara, Yogyakarta, Bangka Belitung, Banten, Gorontalo, Maluku Utara)
- To analyze sub-area marketing opportunities, develop and propose sub-area action plan, and manage the execution of small to medium area marketing projects in order to ensure active implementation of selling-out strategy and to support the achievement of business objectives.
- Bachelor Degree from any disciplines, min GPA 2.75;
- Fresh graduate (earned degree max 2 years ago);
- Have not joined the written test for this position within 1 year starting from the date of the last test taken;
- Willing to be placed in all areas of Indonesia;
- Fluent English, oral and written;
- Good level of computer literacy.
For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please apply online now to this link:
Only short-listed candidates will be notified
Kualifikasi :
- Khusus Wanita dengan usia maksimum 25 Thn
- Penampilan menarik, tinggi badan minimal 160 Cm
- Bisa berbahasa Inggris merupakan nilai tambah
- Pendidikan minimal D3 Semua Jurusan
- Berminat dibidang Otomotif
- Komunikatif dan menyukai tantangan
- Gigih, Percaya diri & berorientasi pada target.
- Bersedia di tempatkan di Pondok Indah, Daan Mogot, Tangerang, Cilegon, Tajur – Bogor, Karawang, Jambi, Medan.
Segera kirimkan lamaran beserta pas foto terakhir dengan mencantumkan lokasi penempatan, sebelum tgl 3 Juli 2009. Ke:
HRD – Recruitment
PT.Suzuki Indomobil Motor
Wisma Indomobil 1 lt. 8
Jl. M.T Haryono Kav. 8, Jakarta 13330
E-mail :
Rekruitmen Dosen Ilmu Komunikasi UMS
Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Komunikasi dan Informatika (FKI) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta membutuhkan dosen baru dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
A. Kriteria
- Fresh Graduate
- WNI, Laki-laki
- Berkelakuan baik
- Beragama Islam
- Bisa baca tulis Al-Quran
- S2 Ilmu Komunikasi (diutamakan background S1 Ilmu Komunikasi)
- TOEFL 500
- IPk 3,25
- Memiliki pengetahuan yang luas
- Berdedikasi tinggi
- Memiliki interpersonal competence yang bagus
B. Lampiran
- Surat Lamaran
- Curriculum Vitae (beserta berkas-berkas penting)
- Fotocopy Ijazah dan transkrip nilai S1 dan S2 (legalisir)
- Fotocopy hasil test TOEFL
- Pas foto berwarna 4X6 (2 buah)
Berkas pendaftaran dikirimkan paling lambat 13 Juli 2009 kepada:
Ketua Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi
Fakultas Komunikasi dan Informatika (FKI)
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Kampus II Gedung J lantai 2, Jl. A. Yani Pabelan, Kartasura. Tromol Pos I Surakarta 57102.
Catatan : Pelamar/jobseeker diharuskan mengirimkan aplikasi lamaran langsung ke alamat kantor atau ke alamat email perusahaan.
PT Agranet Multicitra Siberkom's holding company of, Indonesia's leading of media online & internet services. We would like to invite highest standards of professional in fulfilling our business goal and objectives, for the following position. More Information Click
Visit Us :
[RED] Journalist
(Jakarta Raya)
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Commerce, Economics, Mass Communications, Journalism or equivalent.
- Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
- Single, not more than 24 years old and attractive appearance.
- Able to communicate and write in English & energetic, dynamic, creative & like challenges
- Have great interest in journalism especially economic, finance & business news
- Full-Time positions available
- lease state position code in the e-mail subject; [RED] Journalist
If you are ready for the challenge, please submit your application letter with full details of resume and recent photograph not later than June, 30th 2009 to:
PT Agranet Multicitra Siberkom
Only short-listed candidates will be notified
Invitation processed will be conducted by e-mail & SMS
We, a well-established and multinational Pulp and Paper Company located in Tangerang, is looking for competent, highly motivated, dynamic and qualified person to fill the following position:
HR Staff (HRS)
- Female or Male with maximum age 26 years old
- S-1 degree from reputable University majoring Law Faculty with GPA 3,00 (scale 4)
- Have a good analytical thinking and problem solving skills
- Have a knowledge about Government Regulation especially Labor Rules
- Good Command in English both written and oral
- Hard worker, ready to work under pressure, good working attitude, strong leadership and having a good communication skills especially presentation skills
- Excellent in using Micr. Word, Excel, Power point and etc.
- Willing to be located in Tangerang or domicile at Tangerang area.
Please send your complete resume and mark the envelope with position code on the left side of the envelope not more than 14 days from this announcement to the address bellow:
HR Department
PT. INDAH KIAT PULP and PAPER Tbk – Tangerang Mill
Jl. Raya Serpong Km. 8 – 15310
Or please send your application to
Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur
(Banten - Serpong - Tangerang)
- Pendidikan D3/S1 Teknik Sipil/Arsitektur
- Usia maksimal 35 tahun
- Fresh graduate are welcome
- Energik dan memiliki motor sendiri
Bagi kandidat yang berhasil akan mendapatkan :
Silahkan kirim lamaran ke :
Ruko Centro Havanna Blok MA No.15, Kompleks Delatinos
BSD City - Serpong Tangerang
atau email ke :
We are an industrial trading company, invite competent and results oriented individual to join us as :
Accounting Officer
(Jakarta Raya)
- Prepares Monthly Financial Statement Reports & Tax Report.
- Female max 28 years old.
- Min Diploma Degree [D3] in Accountancy, fresh graduate are welcome.
- Computer literate [Excell, Word, etc].
- Having min 1 year working experience in the same position.
Please send your application letter, CV and recent photograph to application will be closed 2 weeks after this advertisement posted.
UNION SAMPOERNA TRIPUTRA PERSADA, bergerak di bidang perkebunan dan pengolahan kelapa sawit, mencari professional yang ahli dan berpengalaman di bidangnya, memiliki integritas yang kuat serta mempunyai motivasi yang tinggi dalam berprestasi untuk menempati beberapa posisi:
Base Penempatan di Head Office - Jakarta
HRD Manager (HRD-M).
S1 Psikologi/manajement/Hukum, min. pengalaman 3 tahun di posisi yang sama. Mengerti undang-undang ketenaga kerjaan. Familiar dengan HR Strategy, Performance Management, Key Performance Indicator, Competency base HR management, Workload Analysis, Recruitment, Training & Development, Assesment Centre, sistem personalia, Pembuatan Jobdesk, Salary strukture dan Reward Management.
HRD Officer (HRD-O).
S1 Psikologi/manajement, min. pengalaman 2 tahun. Memahami Proses Recruitment & Training, Assesment Center, sistem personalia, Performance Management serta mampu membuat jobdesk.
General Services Officer (GSO).
S1 Semua jurusan. min. pengalaman 1 tahun. Di utamakan Laki-laki. Pernah menangani aset management/office management, bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas keluar kota.
Accounting Officer (AO).
S1 Akuntansi. min. pengalaman 2 tahun, diutamakan dari perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Dapat membuat dan membaca analisa keuangan, lebih disukai pernah menjadi internal audit dan pernah bekerja di KAP
Finance Officer (FO).
S1 Akuntansi. min. pengalaman 2/3 tahun, diutamakan dari perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Mampu mengerjakan filling Invoicing, Account Payable, Cashier
Infrastructure Manager (IM).
S1 Teknik Sipil, min. pengalaman 3 tahun, diutamakan dari perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Memiliki skill di bidang konstruksi bangunan perumahan & gedung, konstuksi jalan & jembatan, mekanik kendaraan & alat berat, instalasi electrical. Mampu menggunakan AutoCad dan GPS.
General Services Manager (GSM).
S1 Semua jurusan, min. pengalaman 3 tahun, diutamakan dari perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Berpengalaman dalam menangani office & building management, perijinan tenaga kerja asing, legalitas dokumen perusahaan, asset management dan fasilitas umum kantor/perusahaan.
Sekretaris Director (SD).
D3 Sekretaris, min. pengalaman 4 tahun. Mampu menggunakan Microsoft Office. Berpenampilan menarik dan mampu berkomunkasi secara efektif. Memiliki integritas dan kemampuan mengorganisir pekerjaan yang baik.
Lamaran, CV lengkap dan Photo terbaru kirim ke:
Menara Karya 6th Floor, Jl HR. Rasuna Said Blok X-5, Kav 1-2 Jakarta 12950
Email :
CC :
Cantumkan Kode lamaran di Subject email atau sudut kiri amplop
Catatan : Pelamar/jobseeker diharuskan mengirimkan aplikasi lamaran langsung ke alamat kantor atau ke alamat email perusahaan.
1. Staff Klinik
Persyaratan :
- Pria / Wanita maksimal 28th
- Pendidikan D3 Keperawatan
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
2. Kepala Bagian Produksi
Persyaratan :
- Pria maksimal 35th
- Pendidikan min D3 Teknik Industri / Semua Jurusan
- Pengalaman dibidang produksi makanan min. 2th
- Mempunyai jiwa leadership dan tegas
3. Kepala Sistem & Control
Persyaratan :
- Pria / Wanita maksimal 35th
- Pendidikan min. D3 Teknik Industri/Kimia/Mesin
- Mengerti tentang managemen sistem di produksi
- Fresh graduate
- Mempunyai jiwa leadershipp dan tegas
Kirimkan lamaran dan CV lengkap via :
email ke :
untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi ke 021-8251010 ext.137/112
PT. Siantar Top Tbk.
Jl.Raya Narogong Km.7 Rawalumbu Bekasi
No. Telp. : 021-8251010
Catatan : Pelamar/jobseeker diharuskan mengirimkan aplikasi lamaran langsung ke alamat kantor atau ke alamat email perusahaan.
We are a leading Retail company in Indonesia which has been well known as shopping destination, as the most preferred retailer for customer and Indonesian family. Consistently brings value and fashion-high products and services to enhance the costumers’ quality of lifestyle. If you’d like to work in service line of our business, key positions are waiting for you!
Finance & Accounting Supervisor
(Banten - Lippo Karawaci)
- Minimum S1 Degree in Accountancy or Computer Accountancy with GPA min 3.00
- Minimum 1 year experience as Finance/Accounting Staff
- Having good logic & analytical ability
- Proactive, dynamic, hardworking person, pressure persistent, able to thrive in fast-paced.
- Fluent in English (both oral & written) and computer literate
- To be placed at Lippo Karawaci area
- Willing to travel to big cities in Indonesia
(Banten - Lippo Karawaci)
- Female, min Diploma Degree, age 25-30 years old
- Minimum 1 year experience as Secretary
- English literate (oral & written)
- Familiar with MS Office program
- Dynamic, able to work under pressure, & thrust worthy
- Good performance, independent, nice personality
- To be placed at Lippo Karawaci area
If you’re match with the qualifications & ready for the challenges, turn yourself in !!!
PT. Matahari Putra Prima, Tbk
Matahari Department Store
Lippo Cyberpark, Jl. Boulevard Gajah Mada #2138
Lippo Karawaci – Tangerang 15811
Best Guide for Your Dog Care Products
Every dog owner would try their best to give the best care for their dog. It is their way to show their affection on their pet. With numerous products for dog that claim to be the best product, dog owners will need information on the products that are really the best product. Honest information from other dog owners will be the best guide for them to find the best product for their dog. offers the best dog care complete with review and guide from other dog owner. Dog owner recommends the products in this website, so the information on this website is the honest review from other dog owners that already used the products. On this website, you will find numerous products for dog, from dog leashes and collars to dog bedding. You also can find various dog foods that can give complete nutrition for your dog. You do not need to worry on choosing the wrong product for your dog. With its buying guide, you can find out the real quality of each product.
This website also will give you information on the best place to get the dog products that you need. Not only on dog products, can you also get information on the best place to get dog grooming. The best treatment will make your dog get everything it needs to live happily.
IT Programmer
(Jakarta Raya)
- Male / Female
- S1 Fresh Graduates
- Highly motivated and able to work in a team or independently and systematically
- Hardworking and able to complete tasks in tight deadline
- Skillful in one or more programming languages, like VB / VB.Net, Java, ASP / ASP.Net, C#, etc.
- Having good knowledge in SQL Server, mySQL or other database scripting
- Good algorithm skills
- Can Trace data/table of database and able debug code of application related with data or table
- Able bug fix error/trouble of code programming related with logger
- Good communication skills in both oral and written
- Able to work independently with minimum supervision as well as a team player
If you meet the requirements above, you are invited to apply online or send your application dan CV via email to:
Is leading automotive componont manufacturer seeking for candidates to fill the following positions:
Vendor Development Staff
(Jakarta Raya)
- Male / Female, max. 30 years old
- S1 / D3 / Poltek in Technique (Mechanical, Electrical, Industrial, Metallurgy)
- Good communication (both orally and writing in English and Mandarin)
- Very good in computer literate
- Having good knowledge in Production Process
- Willing to mobile / traveling
- Having driving licence
- Able to work underpressure and working with less supervision
- Strong analytical and problem solving skills
- Proactive and results oriented
- Fresh Graduate and Experience are welcome to apply
Finance & Accounting Staff
(Jakarta Raya)
- Monitoring the company cashflow
- Cash control and bank reconciliation
- Close supervision of the Accounts Payable
- Close supervision and monitoring of Account Receivable ensuring credit control & monthly collection targets are met
- Liasing with bankers, financial institutions & auditors on all company related matters
- Male / Female max. 30 years old
- Min. S1 Accounting from reputable university
- Relevant experience in Accounting/Tax is an advantage
- Good communication (both orally and writing in English)
- Able to work underpressure and working with less supervision
- Computer literate
- Strong analytical and problem solving skills
- Proactive and results oriented
- Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
Accounting & Internal Audit Staff
(Jakarta Raya)
- Monitoring the company cashflow
- Cash control and bank reconciliation
- Close supervision of the Accounts Payable
- Close supervision and monitoring of Account Receivable ensuring credit control &monthly collection targets are met
- Liasing with bankers, financial institutions & auditors on all company related matters
- Male / Female max. 30 years old
- Min. S1 Accounting from reputable university
- Relevant experience in Accounting/Tax/Auditing is an advantage
- Good communication (both orally and writing in English)
- Able to work underpressure and working with less supervision
- Computer literate
- Strong analytical and problem solving skills
- Proactive and results oriented
- Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
Submit your application to:
Jl. Gaya Motor Raya,
Sunter II, Jakarta Utara,
UP : Jane P. Lieben
" Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "
As one of the world’s largest consumer goods companies, and fastest growing Indonesian business, we are looking for dynamic candidates that strive for excellence to join our team as:
Lab Technician
(Jakarta Raya)
- Diploma degree majoring in Chemical Analysis or Food Science
- Required skill : analisa kimia fisika, uji sensori, uji umur simpan.
- Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
- Full-Time positions available.
- Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
We accept nothing less than the highest qualities. If you are such individuals, please submit a comprehensive resume, with current and expected salary details and recent photograph no later than 14 days from the date of advertisement to:
We are a core Development and Manufacturing facility for Adidas football boots. Our products are high-end shoes that are exported all over the world. The models we produce are worn by world class players like David Beckham, Zidane and the like. Located in Tangerang, we are looking to strengthen our management team for the future. If you are a dynamic and highly motivated individual and want to join a company with a sports culture, you can apply for exciting career opportunity as :
Purchasing Staff
(Jakarta Raya)
- Min. S1 Degree in any discipline, GPA ≥ 3.00.
- Preferably having experiences in Purchasing (Fresh-graduated are welcome).
- Computer literate, self-motivated, able to thrive in fast-paced, pressure persistent.
- Having exceptional interpersonal, communication, & negotiation skill.
- Team player with exceptional coordination skill.
IT Staff
(Jakarta Raya)
- Min. S1 Degree in Computer Science, with GPA ≥ 2.75.
- Experience min. 1 year as IT Support (Fresh Graduate are welcome)
- Having knowledge in maintaining trouble shooting problem, devices service, desktop installation
- Self motivated, broad knowledge, able to thrive in fast paced.
- Team player with exceptional coordination skill.
- Fluent in English (both oral & written) and computer literate.
Excellent development opportunities and interesting salary package will be offered to successful candidates.
PT Panarub Industry
Jl. Moh. Toha Km 1 Pasar Baru Tangerang 15113.
Kami Perusahaan yang termasuk 5 besar Farmasi lokal di Indonesia dengan pertumbuhan yang sangat cepat, mengundang para profesional muda yang memiliki motivasi tinggi dan dinamis untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai :
Project Cost Control Executive
(Jakarta Raya)
- Usia max. 30 th
- Lulusan min. S1 Sipil / Arsitektur / Mesin / Elektro
- Pengalaman min. 1 th sebagai Quantity Surveyor di perusahaan QS Consultant atau sebagai Project Control di Contractor
- Mampu membuat Bill of Quantity dan Analisa Harga Satuan Pekerjaan
- Mampu membuat Rencana Anggaran Biaya, Dokumen Tender, dan Dokumen Kontrak
- Mampu membuat Schedule dengan program MS Project / Primavera
Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap, CV, copy KTP, pas photo terbaru dan nomor telp. / HP Anda selambat-lambatnya 2 minggu setelah iklan ini dimuat, kepada:
Kode jabatan WAJIB ditulis di email subject.
First founded in 1984 as Universal Life Indo (ULINDO). In 1992, a joint venture was set up with New York Life International, bringing best practices of the life insurance industry until May 2003.With new corporate identity, Sequis Life has strengthened its commitment and vision. The strong combination of both expertise in insurance industry and cultural knowledge have made Sequis Life as one of the leading and prominent life insurance companies in Indonesia. Sequis Life has been providing the best variety of products and services to meet the financial protection needs of Indonesian families. Today Sequis Life has protected 150.000 policyholders, supported by more than 3.500 agents, 600 employees, and 82 branches in 29 cities throughout Indonesia.
PT A.J. SEQUISLIFE, one of the leading insurance companies in Indonesia currently seeking for a:
Claim Officer
(Jakarta Raya)
- Female/Male, age between 23 – 27 years old
- Minimum D3 from any major (preferably nursing or public health major)
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply (1 year experience in claim/administration area will be an advantage)
- Knowledgeable in MS Excel and MS Word
PLEASE PROVIDE your recent COLORED PHOTOGRAPH sizes: 3x4 or 4x6 (not more than 2 months old):
To submit your application, in strict confidence, please apply online to:
Spv Marketing Operation
- Role and responsibility
- Create advertisement plan
- maintenance billboard point
- Create marketing plan.
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Commerce, Art/Design/Creative Multimedia, Advertising/Media, Architecture or equivalent.
- At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position Especially in Jateng DIY.
- Preferably Coordinator/Supervisors specializing in Advertising/Media Planning or equivalent. Job role in Creative or Media Planning.
- Full-Time positions available.
- Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Should you meet the requirements, please send your resume, application letter and state your position code on the top rigth corner of your application latter, no later than two weeks after this advertisment to:
JL MT haryono 878 Semarang
or email to:
email subject PR Jateng DIY
Persyaratan umum :
- Wanita umur maksimal 28 tahun, atau pria umur maksimal 30 tahun
- Berpenampilan menarik (sangat diutamakan - mohon menyertakan foto berwarna)
- Kreatif, cerdas dan penuh ide (sangat diutamakan)
- Belum menikah
- Pendidikan S1 atau minimal D3
- Bahasa Inggris, minimal pasif
- Komputer, minimal Ms Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)
- Lebih disukai mengerti masalah media cetak dan memiliki pengalaman kerja di print/advertising.
- Test dan interview akan dilakukan di Jakarta
- Lokasi kerja di Jakarta
Silahkan kirim surat lamaran, CV lengkap & pasfoto berwarna terbaru ke alamat email :
We are Company that have demonstrated remarkable growth and performance to emerge as a Fortune Global 500 company. We have experienced with 30 years of operations and established a global footprint that includes exploration and retail operations in more than 30 countries, and counts among its thousands strong workforce people from various nationalities. We are now setting the Indonesia operations under the Production Sharing Contract term with BPMIGAS and doing an aggressive Exploration & Development Project in several Blocks. We are now looking for qualified candidates to fill our vacant positions
Electrical Engineer - Internship
(Jakarta Raya)
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Engineering (Electrical/Electronic) from reputable University. (fresh graduated)
- Strong analytical thinking and good communication skill
- Proficient in English both written and spoken
- The project is full time for around 6 months (starting immediately)
For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please send your comprehensive resume to:
With "internship" as the email subject
We invite highly motivated individuals like you to be part of our team as:
Business Planning Officer (UMK-BPO)
- Minimum S1 Teknik, Matematika, Ekonomi
- Pengalaman Kerja: Fresh Graduate – 2 tahun (business planning / finance di perbankan / financial institution) dengan IPK minimal 3,00
- Sangat mahir dalam mempergunakan excel, macro dan visual basic serta power point
- Kuat dalam hitungan dan analisa
- Disiplin, loyal dan kerja keras
Financial Planning Officer (UMK-FPO)
- Mempersiapkan target atau plan kepada cabang-cabang seluruh indonesia
- Melakukan perubahan target atas mutasi dan rotasi karyawan
- Melakukan validasi akurasi target cabang
- Memonitor pencapaian cabang
- Minimum S1 Management, Accounting, Matematika
- Fresh Graduate welcome, dengan IPK minimal 3,00
- Sangat mahir dalam mempergunakan excel, macro dan visual basic serta power point
- Kuat dalam hitungan dan analisa
- Disiplin, loyal dan kerja keras
Kirimkan aplikasi surat lamaran beserta resume anda ke:
Human Capital UMK
Menara Prima Lt.23
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Blok 6.2
Mega Kuningan - Jakarta Selatan 12920
Cantumkan kode posisi yang anda inginkan disebelah kiri atas amplop.
MRA Printed Media Group (, membutuhkan profesional muda untuk bergabung sebagai:
Fashion & Beauty Reporter (Kode: FREP)
(Jakarta Raya)
- Minimal usia 23 tahun
- Pendidikan DIII/S1 terbuka untuk fresh graduate
- Sangat menyukai bidang tulis menulis (jurnalistik)
- Pemerhati FASHION & BEAUTY, berpenampilan menarik, kreatif,
- Mempunyai communication, negotiation & networking skill yang baik
- Berwawasan luas, bisa bekerja dengan jadual & target ketat
Kualifikasi Umum
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani,
- bertanggung jawab, jujur, kreatif,
- dewasa dan berjiwa positif,
- dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik,
- energik, disiplin, cepat, detail dan rapi dalam bekerja,
- serta bisa bekerja dengan baik dalam tim dengan jadwal ketat.
Bagi anda yang memenuhi persyaratan diatas, kirimkan surat lamaran, CV, ijasah terakhir, transkrip nilai terakhir, photo terbaru serta Portfolio ke :
HR Department
Wisma Kosgoro Lt. 6
Jl. MH. Thamrin No.53
Jakarta Pusat -10350
Email :
Untuk posisi: Frep, Rep, DI & Intern Wajib sertakan Portfolio
MOHON KIRIM APPLIKASI DALAM FORMAT *pdf dan tidak lebih besar dari 1 Mb
Cantumkan kode posisi di sudut kanan atas amplop
Hanya yang memenuhi syarat akan diproses
Being the leader of fastening industry, our product have been useful to support domestic textiles industries, yet they are also export commodities in their own rights. See our company profile at
The worlds is changing fast and moves with new market challenge. Being the best is certainly a good strategy to anticipate the fenomena. Because of that we are looking for qualified and professional person to join our team.
GA Interpreter
(Jawa Barat - Cibitung, Bekasi)
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Japanese Language from reputable university.
- Required skill(s): Japanese Language.
- At least 1 year experience in manufacturing company, especially in japanese company as secretary and translator/interpreter.
- Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in Secretarial/Executive & Personal Assistant or equivalent.
- Familiar with license of foreign labor force and bussiness trip.
- Familiar with MS Office.
- Familiar with regulation of foreign labor force.
- Japanese Language level 2 is a must.
- English (oral & written) is a must.
- Full-Time positions available.
- Applicants must be willing to work in Cibitung. Bekasi.
- Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
- Required language(s): English, Japanese
Accounting Officer
(Jawa Barat - Cibitung, Bekasi)
- Key focus of this position will be handle General Accounting activity, especially calculate, entry, check and re/consolidate accounting calculation, journal & report. Preferable have experience at cost accounting process and taxation.
- The work covers :
- Handle everyday activity of general accounting, support process of cost manufacture & taxation
- Input, check and analyze Accounting & Finance journal or process.
- Male/Female, under 30 years old
- Education : Minimum Bachelor (S1) Degree majoring at Accounting, from reputable university.
- Working Experience : candidate should possess minimum 1 years experiences as General Accounting Staff in Manufacture Company, or have an experience at Public Accountant Office
- Technical Skill : Cost Accounting, Taxation, and General Accounting
- Familiar with Sun System
- Language Capability : Active in English (written / oral)
- Applicants must be willing to work in Cibitung (Bekasi)
- Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status
- Full-Time positions available.
Selected candidate for this position will be work as team member of Finance & Accounting and willing to work 6 day a week.
* Please give your specific expected salary *
* Please give your specific expected salary *
Send your application preferable ONLINE or send by mail to:
Kami perusahaan minuman terkemuka mengundang professional muda, energik serta memiliki motivasi yang tinggi untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai:
(Jawa Barat - Bekasi)
- Usia maksimal 25 tahun
- Latar belakang pendidikan Diploma (D3)
- Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Resepsionis, Operator Telepon atau Customer Service lebih disukai
- Penampilan menarik
- Dapat mengoperasikan Komputer dan dapat berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris dengan baik
Silahkan kirim lamaran lengkap, CV dan photo terbaru anda
Silahkan Kunjungi website kami:
As one of the world’s largest consumer goods companies, and fastest growing Indonesian business, we are looking for dynamic candidates that strive for excellence to join our team as:
Field Agronomy Staff
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
- Agro (Exp.Cultivation and implemantation technology Chili and Palm Sugar)
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture/Aquaculture/Forestry or equivalent.
- Required skill(s): Agriculture annual, Season crops.
- Required language(s): English.
- Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
- Full-Time positions available.
- Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
- Speedy Worker, Dicipline, Responbility and able to underpressure working
Process Engineering
Job Description ;
- Create time line project for execution
- Create process design for new process or improvement
- Create experimental design for trial
- Identifying root cause for problem solving
- Project officer for system application include data analysis
- Improvement execution in operation
- Responsible for development co- packer
- Establish ISO documentation system for processing
- University Degree in engineering industrial/ engineering Chemical From Reputable University
- Has experience 2 years in similar position
- Male/Female, Max 32 Years age
- Having experience as Technical Consultan in food company will be advantage
- Able to create process design, strong analytical, familiar with thermodynamics and chemical reaction system
We accept nothing less than the highest qualities. If you are such individuals, please submit a comprehensive resume, with current and expected salary details and recent photograph no later than 14 days from the date of advertisement to:
AIG LIFE, one of the largest & progressive joint venture Life Insurance with a solid commitment to human resource excellence, invites suitably qualified professionals who seeking greater challenges to apply for the followings positions :
Programmer Analyst
(Jakarta Raya)
- Min. Bachelor Degree (S1), majoring in Information Technology from reputable university, with min. GPA 3.00
- Min. 1 year of working experience in related fields
- Fresh graduates are welcome
- Familiar with .net technology (VB.Net & ASP.Net), database, OS/ 400, COBOL/ 400, Life/ Asia, Smart/ 400, VB, SQL, Windows o/s, or other programming languages
- Good analytical & interpersonal skills
- Able to work as an individual as well as a team
- Proficient in English, both oral and written
- Willing to be placed at Karawaci, Tangerang
- Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Project Staff
(Jakarta Raya)
- Fresh graduate of Bachelor Degree (S1) from any fields.
- Has a passion for driving and managing tasks
- Honest, dilligent & discipline.
- Comfort with administrative tasks and steady nature.
- Good in MS Excel, MS Word & Power Point.
- Will be located in Karawaci, Tangerang.
If you feel that you are qualified for the above position, please send your application letter, CV, copy of transcripts, and one recent photograph not later than 2 (two) weeks, with the code on the top left of the envelope, to the following address:
Human Resources Department - PT. AIG LIFE
Menara Matahari, 6th Floor
Jl. Bulevar Palem Raya No. 7, Lippo Karawaci 1200
Tangerang 15811
or send email to:
We are Fast Growing Plantation and Palm Oil Company Group is looking for dynamic, energetic and ambitious professionals to join our team in South Sumatera, East Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan. We offer exciting opportunities and attractive remuneration to all professionals who pursue a challenging career as:
Procurement Staff (Code: PCS)
(Base : Kalimantan, Sumatera & Jakarta)
- Male and Female, max. age of 35 years old
- Holding bachelor degree/S1
- Having experiences min. 2 years
- Honest and willing to actively join the hard, long & challenging process of improvement
- Computer & English literate
- High level of leadership skills as well as problem solving ability
- Good analytical as well as communication skills
- Self motivated people & capable of working independently with minimum supervision
- Willing to work in the whole area of Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatera & Jakarta)
Management Trainee (Code: MT)
(Kalimantan, Sumatera & Jakarta)
- Male and Female, max. age of 27 years old
- Holding bachelor degree/S1
- Fresh Graduate are welcome (esp. S1 Forestry/Agriculture)
- Honest and willing to actively join the hard, long & challenging process of improvement
- Computer & English literate
- High level of leadership skills as well as problem solving ability
- Good analytical as well as communication skills
- Self motivated people & capable of working independently with minimum supervision
- Willing to work in the whole area of Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatera & Jakarta)
Account Clerk (Code: ACC)
(Kalimantan, Sumatera & Jakarta)
- Male and Female, max. age of 27 years old
- Senior High (SMA/SMK) graduate, preferably Bachelor Degree
- Fresh Graduate are welcome
- Honest and willing to actively join the hard, long & challenging process of improvement
- Computer & English literate
- High level of problem solving ability
- Good analytical as well as communication skills
- Self motivated people & capable of working independently with minimum supervision
- Willing to work in the whole area of Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatera & Jakarta)
Administration Clerk (Code: ADC)
- Male and Female, max. age of 27 years old
- Senior High (SMA/SMK) graduate, preferably Bachelor Degree
- Fresh Graduate are welcome
- Honest and willing to actively join the hard, long & challenging process of improvement
- Computer & English literate
- High level of problem solving ability
- Good analytical as well as communication skills
- Self motivated people & capable of working independently with minimum supervision
- Willing to work in the whole area of Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatera & Jakarta)
Store Clerk (Code: SC)
(Kalimantan, Sumatera & Jakarta)
- Male and Female, max. age of 27 years old
- Senior High (SMA/SMK) graduate, preferably Bachelor Degree
- Fresh Graduate are welcome
- Honest and willing to actively join the hard, long & challenging process of improvement
- Computer & English literate
- High level of problem solving ability
- Good analytical as well as communication skills
- Self motivated people & capable of working independently with minimum supervision
- Willing to work in the whole area of Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatera & Jakarta)
If you think you are qualified and tough enough for these challenging opportunities, please send your application letter and CV (please mentioned your complete responsibility of works) in confidence supported by a detail resume and put the position code at the left corner of the envelope within two weeks to below:
Email :
Career Level : Middle
Qualification : Degree
Yr(s) Exp : 2 Years
Job Category : Procurement/Purchasing; Banking/Finance
Job Location : Kalimantan, Sumatera & Jakarta
Salary : Not Specified
Job Type : Full Time, Permanent
PT SHARP SEMICONDUCTOR INDONESIA, salah satu anak perusahaan Sharp Corporation Jepang yang berlokasi di Karawang – Jawa Barat. Kami bergerak di bidang manufacturing komponen elektronika dimana kebutuhan komponen semiconductor dunia dihasilkan dari perusahaan kami. Saat ini perusahaan kami sedang membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi :
(Jakarta Raya - Karawang)
- Pria, usia maks. 26 tahun.
- S1 Teknik Mesin, Elektro, Industri & Science
- Bersedia tinggal di wilayah Karawang/ Bekasi
- Disiplin, jujur dan bertanggung jawab.
- Dapat bekerja tim, pekerja keras, memiliki motivasi tinggi
- Indeks prestasi minimum 2,75
- Dapat mengoperasikan komputer
- Memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris.
Training and Recruitment Dept.
Jl. Swadaya IV Komp. Pedurenan Kel. Rawaterate
Kec. Cakung, Pulogadung - Jakarta 13920
Management Representative Staff / Document Control Staff
(Jakarta Raya)
- Male or Female, max. 30 Years Old,
- Min. Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering,
- Work Experience as Document Control ISO 9001,
- Having Certificate as Auditor Internal ISO,
- Understanding about ISO Integrated System,
- Knowing and Understanding about Up date Process, Document Distribution and Excelent handling Evaluation Program,
- Self Motivated, Creative, and Energetic,
- Able to operating computer (MS Office and Open Office),
- Fluently in both oral & written English,
- Fresh Graduate are welcome
If you interested to joining us, please send your Comprehensive CV and Copy of Certificates to:
Human Resource Development
Jl. Kapuk Kamal Muara No. 23 A (Kayu Besar)
Jakarta 14470
Or e-mail to:
We are Company that have demonstrated remarkable growth and performance to emerge as a Fortune Global 500 company. We have experienced with 30 years of operations and established a global footprint that includes exploration and retail operations in more than 30 countries, and counts among its thousands strong workforce people from various nationalities. We are now setting the Indonesia operations under the Production Sharing Contract term with BPMIGAS and doing an aggressive Exploration & Development Project in several Blocks. We are now looking for qualified candidates to fill our vacant positions
Electrical Engineer - Internship
(Jakarta Raya)
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Engineering (Electrical/Electronic) from reputable University. (fresh graduated)
- Strong analytical thinking and good communication skill
- Proficient in English both written and spoken
- The project is full time for around 6 months (starting immediately)
For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please send your comprehensive resume to:
With "internship" as the email subject
We, a well-established and multinational Pulp and Paper Company located in Tangerang, is looking for competent, highly motivated, dynamic and qualified person to fill the following position:
Logistic & Document Staff Administration (LDA)
(Jakarta Raya - Tangerang)
- Handling payment for import & export invoice
- Male or Female, max 25 years old
- Having diploma D3 degree majoring accounting, secretary or business administration.
- Having min 1 year working experience in administration
- Good Communication skills in English will be an advantage
- Excellent in using Microsoft Word, Office and Power Point
- Willing to be located in Tangerang
Please send your complete resume and mark the envelope with position code on the left side of the envelope not more than 07 days from this announcement to the address bellow:
HR Department
PT Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper
Jl Raya Serpong Km 8 Tangerang 15310, Indonesia
or please send your application to:
As one of the world’s largest consumer goods companies, and fastest growing Indonesian business, we are looking for dynamic candidates that strive for excellence to join our team as:
Analyst Staff
(Jakarta Raya - West Jakarta)
- Male / Female age max 25 years old
- Diploma degree majoring in Chemistry, Chemical Analyst, GPA min 2.75
- Having experience at the similar position at least a year
- Able to analyze and have a basic knowledge of chemical
- Willing to be work with shift
- Will be located at West Jakarta
We accept nothing less than the highest qualities. If you are such individuals, please submit a comprehensive resume, with current and expected salary details and recent photograph no later than 14 days from the date of advertisement to:
PT. Bank ICBC Indonesia (ICBC Indonesia) is a subsidiary bank and is 97.83% owned by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd (ICBC Ltd), the biggest commercial bank in china, has been operating in Indonesia since 2007 with total 12 branches in area of Jakarta, Surabaya and Bandung. ICBC Ltd in 2007 has won various honors such as "Best Bank in China", "Best Trading in the World", "Best Management Company in China" awarded by the magazine Bankers, Global Finance, The Assets, Finance Asia, and was appraised by Economic Observer as "Most Honored Corporation in China". ICBC Indonesia has commitment to build a financial bridge to serve the ever-increasing economic corporation between China and Indonesia and it will also provides quality and diversified financial services to corporate and individual customers in Indonesia and ASEAN. Our motto is, “Your Future is Our Future and Our Future is Your Future”. Due to our growth and expansion, we are seeking for highly talented candidates to fill in our vacant position.
Operator Telephone (Receptionist)
(Jakarta Raya)
- Answer a high volume of calls and maintain a rapid response rate according to agreed standards.
- Log information on calls received, where required and maintain detailed and accurate records.
- Maintain and update continuously, by local knowledge and by local means, a log of the availability of staff likely to receive inbound calls.
- File data and perform other routine clerical tasks as assigned and for other departments as needed.
- Order and maintain relevant office supplies for effectiveness of personal duties.
- Operate a variety of standard office machines, including a personal computer and a variety of computer software, phone, fax, calculator, shredding machine and photocopy machine.
- Communicate and liaise verbally and in writing between customers/suppliers/visitors/enquirers and relevant staff, and interpret and respond clearly and effectively to spoken requests over the phone or in person, and to verbal or written instructions.
- Establish and maintain effective working relationships with co-workers, supervisors and the general public.
- Perform reception duties in and efficient, professional and courteous manner.
- Maintain regular consistent and professional attendance, punctuality, personal appearance, and adherence to relevant health & safety procedures.
- Pursue personal development of skills and knowledge necessary for the effective performance of the role
- Candidate must possess at least a SMU, Associate Degree, any field.
- Required skill(s): Microsoft Office.
- Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
- Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
- Full-Time positions available.
- Well Grooming
- Efective verbal & listening communication skill
- Honest & trustworthy
- Flexible
- Have a stress & time management skill
Application should be sent within 10 days from the date of posting. We apologize that only short listed candidates will be notified and no telephone enquiries will be entertained. Send your application to the address below and please state the job code
Being the leader of fastening industry, our product have been useful to support domestic textiles industries, yet they are also export commodities in their own rights. See our company profile at
The worlds is changing fast and moves with new market challenge. Being the best is certainly a good strategy to anticipate the fenomena. Because of that we are looking for qualified and professional person to join our team.
GA Interpreter
(Jawa Barat - Cibitung, Bekasi)
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Japanese Language from reputable university.
- Required skill(s): Japanese Language.
- At least 1 year experience in manufacturing company, especially in japanese company as secretary and translator/interpreter.
- Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in Secretarial/Executive & Personal Assistant or equivalent.
- Familiar with license of foreign labor force and bussiness trip.
- Familiar with MS Office.
- Familiar with regulation of foreign labor force.
- Japanese Language level 2 is a must.
- English (oral & written) is a must.
- Full-Time positions available.
- Applicants must be willing to work in Cibitung. Bekasi.
- Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
- Required language(s): English, Japanese
Import Staff
(Jakarta Raya - Cikini, Jakarta Pusat)
- Job Purpose :
- Key focus of this position will be Import Staff that’s handle import process.
- The work covers :
- Entry data import
- Monitoring import
- Setting document import
- Work environment for this position at Cikini as Department member and six (6) work days per week
- Female
- Age : Max. 25 years old
- Education : Minimum Diploma 3 Degree majoring at Bussiness Administration, Economics, Marketing, or Accountancy from reputable institution with GPA min. : 2.80
- Working Experience : candidate should possess with a min. 1 (one) year experiences as Import Staff in manufacturing industry
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
- Language Capability : Fluently in English both oral & written is a must
- Not color blind
- The position is based in Cikini - Jakarta Pusat
HR Department - Recruitment
PT. YKK ZIPPER Indonesia
Jl. RP. Soeroso No. 7 Cikini Menteng
Jakarta Pusat 10330
For company profile, please see :
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
* Please give your specific expected salary *
Send your application preferable ONLINE or send by mail to:
PT Fluidcon Jaya is a Leading Service Company in the Mining, Oil & Gas and other related Industries. We are now part of Atlas Copco group. To support our operations in INDONESIA, we are seeking qualified candidates for the following positions :
Junior Accountant
(Jakarta Raya)
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.
- Required skill(s): Accounting Skill, Computer Skills.
- Preferred skill (s): ERP system (SAP, Pronto)
- Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
- Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
- Full-Time positions available.
Please send your application and resume, recent photograph & copy of ID Card and put the relevant position Code at the top left side of the envelope not later than I week ( 7 days) from the date of this advertisement to :
Cilandak Commercial Estate Building 111-M3
Jl. Raya Cilandak KKO, Jakarta 12560
OR By Email to :
MRA Printed Media Group (, membutuhkan profesional muda untuk bergabung sebagai:
Digital Imaging Specialist (Kode: DI)
(Jakarta Raya)
- Minimal usia 23 tahun
- Pendidikan min S1
- Berpengalaman di bidang yang sama min 1 tahun
- Menguasai program ADOBE PHOTOSHOP, berjiwa seni kuat, terbiasa me-retouch foto
- Menguasai dasar-dasar photografi, berjiwa seni kuat, dewasa, teliti & rapi dalam pekerjaan
Kualifikasi Umum
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani,
- bertanggung jawab, jujur, kreatif,
- dewasa dan berjiwa positif,
- dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik,
- energik, disiplin, cepat, detail dan rapi dalam bekerja,
- serta bisa bekerja dengan baik dalam tim dengan jadwal ketat.
Administrasi Staff (Kode: ADM)
(Jakarta Raya)
- WANITA, fresh graduate atau pengalaman maksimal 1 tahun
- Pendidikan DIII/ S1 jurusan Sekretaris / Akuntansi / Administrasi Niaga
- Usia maksimal 25 tahun, belum menikah
- Menguasai Microsoft Office terutama MS Excel
- Bersedia untuk bekerja overtime
Kualifikasi Umum
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani,
- bertanggung jawab, jujur, kreatif,
- dewasa dan berjiwa positif,
- dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik,
- energik, disiplin, cepat, detail dan rapi dalam bekerja,
- serta bisa bekerja dengan baik dalam tim dengan jadwal ketat.
Reporter (Kode: REP)
(Jakarta Raya)
- Maksimal usia 30 tahun
- Pendidikan DIII / S1 terbuka untuk fresh graduate
- Berwawasan luas, berpenampilan menarik, sangat menyukai bidang tulis menulis dan dunia jurnalistik, kreatif
- Mempunyai communications skill yang baik dan relasi yang luas, dan pemerhati trend lifestyle
Kualifikasi Umum
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani,
- bertanggung jawab, jujur, kreatif,
- dewasa dan berjiwa positif,
- dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik,
- energik, disiplin, cepat, detail dan rapi dalam bekerja,
- serta bisa bekerja dengan baik dalam tim dengan jadwal ketat.
Fashion & Beauty Reporter (Kode: FREP)
(Jakarta Raya)
- Minimal usia 23 tahun
- Pendidikan DIII/S1 terbuka untuk fresh graduate
- Sangat menyukai bidang tulis menulis (jurnalistik)
- Pemerhati FASHION & BEAUTY, berpenampilan menarik, kreatif,
- Mempunyai communication, negotiation & networking skill yang baik
- Berwawasan luas, bisa bekerja dengan jadual & target ketat
Kualifikasi Umum
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani,
- bertanggung jawab, jujur, kreatif,
- dewasa dan berjiwa positif,
- dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik,
- energik, disiplin, cepat, detail dan rapi dalam bekerja,
- serta bisa bekerja dengan baik dalam tim dengan jadwal ketat.
Account Executive, Junior / Middle (Kode: AE)
(Jakarta Raya)
- Maksimal usia 30 tahun
- Pendidikan min DIII/S1 terbuka untuk fresh graduate
- Sangat menyukai hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan marketing / advertising / sales
- Berpenampilan menarik, mudah bergaul, dan terbiasa melakukan presentasi
Kualifikasi Umum
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani,
- bertanggung jawab, jujur, kreatif,
- dewasa dan berjiwa positif,
- dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik,
- energik, disiplin, cepat, detail dan rapi dalam bekerja,
- serta bisa bekerja dengan baik dalam tim dengan jadwal ketat.
Bagi anda yang memenuhi persyaratan diatas, kirimkan surat lamaran, CV, ijasah terakhir, transkrip nilai terakhir, photo terbaru serta Portfolio ke :
HR Department
Wisma Kosgoro Lt. 6
Jl. MH. Thamrin No.53
Jakarta Pusat -10350
Email :
Untuk posisi: Frep, Rep, DI & Intern Wajib sertakan Portfolio
MOHON KIRIM APPLIKASI DALAM FORMAT *pdf dan tidak lebih besar dari 1 Mb
Cantumkan kode posisi di sudut kanan atas amplop
Hanya yang memenuhi syarat akan diproses
AIG LIFE, one of the largest & progressive joint venture Life Insurance with a solid commitment to human resource excellence, invites suitably qualified professionals who seeking greater challenges to apply for the followings positions :
Management Reporting Staff
(Banten - Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang)
- Preparation of timely and accurate reporting including investments, fixed assets and expenses
- Analyze and prepare commentary to support financial review
- Prepare monthly reconciliations
- Involvement in the IFRS project implementation and subsequent reporting using IFRS
- To achieve other tasks as delegated by Manager
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy.
- At least 1 year(s) of working experience in financial reporting preparation
- Highly proficient in English is must, both written and spoken
- Competent with computer applications (Microsoft based office, especially excel)
- Financial services background preferable but not compulsory
- Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
If you feel that you are qualified for the above position, please send your application letter, CV, copy of transcripts, and one recent photograph not later than 2 (two) weeks, with the code on the top left of the envelope, to the following address:
Human Resources Department - PT. AIG LIFE
Menara Matahari, 6th Floor
Jl. Bulevar Palem Raya No. 7, Lippo Karawaci 1200
Tangerang 15811
or send email to:
Sanken Indonesia is a Japan Multi National Company. We are producing Power Supply in worldwide customer. Due to our strengthen human resource, we need professional staff who posses dynamic, trusty, openminded, innovative and high energy level to join our growing team as :
Engineering Transformer Staff (Code : ETS)
(Jawa Barat)
- Female only , max. 28 years old
- Minimum D3 / S1 degree from reputable University, majoring in Electrical Engineering with GPA 3.0 or more
- Haved experience 1 years in manufacturing electronic / Transformer (travo) company, but fresh graduated are welcome to apply
- Haved knowledge about Transformer / Travo (analyze, drawing design, manufacture, and repair)
- Good attitude, communication skill, teamwork, initiative,hardworking and result oriented
- Self motivated and able to work under high pressure
- English is a must, Japanese will be advantage
- Good computer skills
- Available for 2 (Two) vacancies
QA Analys Staff (Code:QAS)
(Jawa Barat)
- Male only , max. 28 years old
- Minimum D3 / S1 degree from reputable University, majoring in Electrical Engineering with GPA 3.0 or more
- Haved experience 1 years in manufacturing electronic company, but fresh graduated are welcome to apply
- Able to analyze of Switcing Mode Power Supply
- Good attitude, communication skill, teamwork, initiative,hardworking and result oriented
- Self motivated and able to work under high pressure
- English is a must, Japanese will be advantage
- Good computer skills
- Available for 3 vacancies
Please send your application, CV, and latest photograph, not later than two weeks after this advertisement to:
All applications will be treated strictly confidential.
Please put the code of position on email subject
Only short listed applicants will be notified
Kami Perusahaan yang termasuk 5 besar Farmasi lokal di Indonesia dengan pertumbuhan yang sangat cepat, mengundang para profesional muda yang memiliki motivasi tinggi dan dinamis untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai :
(Jakarta Raya)
- Laki-laki, Usia max. 30 th
- Lulusan S1 Design Grafis, Informatika, Public Relation
- Pengalaman min. 2 th
- Memiliki keterampilan web developer, writing, media relations, design
- Fasih berbahasa Inggris
Desain Graphis
(Jakarta Raya)
- Diutamakan wanita, max. 28 th
- Lulusan min. D3 Design
- Freshgraduate welcome to apply
Validation Engineer
(Jakarta Raya)
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Engineering (Chemical), Engineering (Electrical/Electronic), Engineering (Industrial), Engineering (Mechanical), Pharmacy/Pharmacology or equivalent.
- Preferably has experience in at least 1 (one) year in qualification/validation in the pharmaceutical facility
- Interested in engineering work in pharmaceutical manufacturing site
Familiar with qualification/validation approach of GMP (any standard)
- Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
- Full-Time positions available.
Perawat Poliklinik Perusahaan
(Jakarta Raya)
- Wanita
- Usia max. 28 th
- Lulusan Akademi Perawat
Memiliki Surat Rekomendasi dari Persatuan perawat (PPNI)
Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap, CV, copy KTP, pas photo terbaru dan nomor telp. / HP Anda selambat-lambatnya 2 minggu setelah iklan ini dimuat, kepada: Email:
Kode jabatan WAJIB ditulis di email subject.
The leading and largest rigid plastic packaging company in Indonesia and publicly listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange is looking for highly qualified professionals. We need people who are self-motivated and team players, good in following skills of which are English both oral and written, communication and interpersonal, and computer skills, to join us in a competitive environment for the following position:
Accounting Staff (Code: CO)
(Banten - Lippo Karawaci)
- Maximum age 25 years old
- Hold a Bachelor Degree from a reputable university, major in Accounting and a minimum GPA of 2.80
- Fresh graduate welcome to apply
- Required skill: Ms. Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Visio)
- Will be located in Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang
Please submit your application letter with a recent passport size photograph and comprehensive resume, and quote the position code on the top left envelope not later than June 30, 2009 to:
Corporate HRD
PT Dynaplast Tbk.
Dynaplast Tower 9-10th Floor
Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 1
Lippo Karawaci – Tangerang 15811
Marketing Development
(Jakarta Raya)
- Pria, usia maksimal 28 tahun
- Pendidikan min S1 segala jurusan (diutamakan jurusan Hukum)
- Dengan IPK min 3,2
- Pengalaman dibidang serupa min 1 tahun
- Menguasai Komputer min Ms Office
- Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris
- Kreatif, dinamis, teliti dan dapat bekerja sama
- Memiliki kendaraan sendiri (Sepeda Motor)
- Memiliki kemampuan menulis artikel
- Penampilan menarik, ramah, luwes
Research & Development
(Jakarta Raya)
- Pria/wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun
- Pendidikan S1, segala jurusan
- Dengan IPK min 3,5
- Pengalaman dibidang Research & Development min 1 tahun
- Menguasai Ms Office (Word, Excell, Power Point)
- Menguasai bahasa Inggris Pasif
- Kreatif, dinamis, teliti dan dapat bekerja sama
- Memiliki wawasan luas
- Memiliki kendaraan sendiri (Sepeda Motor)
Kirimkan aplikasi surat lamaran anda melalui email ke;
Is leading automotive componont manufacturer seeking for candidates to fill the following positions:
Vendor Development Staff
(Jakarta Raya)
- Male / Female, max. 30 years old
- S1 / D3 / Poltek in Technique (Mechanical, Electrical, Industrial, Metallurgy)
- Good communication (both orally and writing in English and Mandarin)
- Very good in computer literate
- Having good knowledge in Production Process
- Willing to mobile / traveling
- Having driving licence
- Able to work underpressure and working with less supervision
- Strong analytical and problem solving skills
- Proactive and results oriented
- Fresh Graduate and Experience are welcome to apply
Submit your application to:
Jl. Gaya Motor Raya,
Sunter II, Jakarta Utara, 14330
UP : Jane P. Lieben
Due to our rapid growth, PT Nutrifood Indonesia, an established health product company with the commitment to inspiring a nutritious life, invites dynamic professionals to grow with us, for the following positions:
Marketing (MKT)
(Jakarta Raya)
- Male / Female, age max 27 years old
- Diploma Degree(D1/D2/D3)/Bachelor Degree (S1) from any major from reputable university with GPA min. 3.00
- Creative, self motivated, pressure-persistent
- Good communication, interpersonal, & leadership skill
- Attractive and have proportional body
- Have car/motorcycle driving license
- Willing to be placed in all big cities in Indonesia
Send your CV, academic record, photo to (please put the position code on your envelope or subject email):
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung
Rawa Bali II No. 3
Jakarta Timur 13920
E-mail :
Technical Support ( TS )
(Jakarta Raya)
- Pria, usia maksimal 25 tahun
- Pendidikan minimum SMA
- Pengalaman dibidang yang sama minimal 1 tahun
- Menguasai trouble shooting
- Menguasai system dasar SQL
- Memiliki ketrampilan tentang hardware komputer dan instalasi program server
Please send an updated Curriculum Vitae including photocopies of your education certificates and a recent passport size photograph
For further information visit
Please write the position applied for on the top left corner of your envelope
Only short listed candidates will be notified
Human Resources Division
PO BOX 8352 JKT 12083
One of the largest Bank in Indonesia is loking for self motivated, ambitious, smart, energic young people, to fill the following position:
(Jakarta Raya)
- Female, Single with max. 25 year of age
- With Min. Height 160 cm
- Attractive & good appearance
- Bachelor degree (S1) from a reputable university with GPA 2.75
- Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
- Ability to speak foreign language (English/ Mandarin) will be an advantage
- Computer literate & ability to work in computerized environment
- Honest, highly motivated, hard worker, highly accuracy, excellent administration, disciplined.
Want to try new career challenge?
Start your great career now !!
Please send your detail resume, a recent photograph and other supporting documents within one month of this advertisment to:
PT Panin Bank, Tbk
Kawasan Hunian dan Bisnis Terpadu
CBD Pluit Blok S No. 9
Jl Pluit Selatan Raya, Penjaringan
Jakarta 14440
ORANGTUA GROUP, a group of fast moving manufacturing companies dealing with food & beverage and consumer products. We are well known with our products such as Anggur Orang tua, Tango Wafer, Oops, Formula, Vita Charm, Kayaking peanuts, Kiranti. In order to accelerate our business growth, we invite dynamic and motivated professionals to join our outstanding team as:
Accounting Staff - Jakarta
(Jakarta Raya)
- Hold S1 degree majoring in Accounting with GPA min 3.00 with academic record and or organization activities
- Age between 22-27 years old, with min 1 year experience in Accounting, fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Detail oriented
- Computer literate (Excel & Word)
- Good communication and interpersonal skill
- Able to perform under tigth deadline
- Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Formulator / Analyst
(Jakarta Raya - Daan Mogot)
- Hold Bachelor degree majoring in Pharmacy, Chemestry or Chemical Engineering with min GPA 3.5 or 3.00 with record of academic achievement and /or organizational experience.
- Age between 22 – 25 years old, with min 1 year working experience in related position. Fresh graduates are also welcome to apply.
- Willing to be placed in Daan Mogot.
Send your resume detail, CV, recent photograph (4x6), a copy of identity card, university transcript, references and High school diploma to:
PO BOX 1778 JKP 10017
Or by email to : recruitment@orangtua
For further info, please visit our website
AIG LIFE, one of the largest & progressive joint venture Life Insurance with a solid commitment to human resource excellence, invites suitably qualified professionals who seeking greater challenges to apply for the followings positions :
System Analyst
(Jakarta Raya - Karawaci)
Create client server system to fulfill the company needs of effective and efficient front end support software.
Control the implementation of System Development Life Cycle in developing software to meet accuracy and compliance requirement.
- Bachelor degree (S1) with minimum 3.00 GPA, preferably from Information Technology
- 1 (one) year experience as system analyst in financial industry or consultant, preferably from insurance industry
- Fresh graduate also considered
- Understand the Relational Database Management System
- Understand structured programming logic
- Understand individual insurance and group insurance issues are an advantage
- Excellent communication skills
- Out of the box and able to come up with ideas
- Good command in English
- Good analytical thinking
- Able to work as an individual as well as a team
- Willing to be placed in Lippo Karawaci - Tangerang
Programmer Analyst
(Jakarta Raya)
- Min. Bachelor Degree (S1), majoring in Information Technology from reputable university, with min. GPA 3.00
- Min. 1 year of working experience in related fields
- Fresh graduates are welcome
- Familiar with .net technology (VB.Net & ASP.Net), database, OS/ 400, COBOL/ 400, Life/ Asia, Smart/ 400, VB, SQL, Windows o/s, or other programming languages
- Good analytical & interpersonal skills
- Able to work as an individual as well as a team
- Proficient in English, both oral and written
- Willing to be placed at Karawaci, Tangerang
- Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
If you feel that you are qualified for the above position, please send your application letter, CV, copy of transcripts, and one recent photograph not later than 2 (two) weeks, with the code on the top left of the envelope, to the following address:
Human Resources Department - PT. AIG LIFE Menara Matahari, 6th Floor Jl. Bulevar Palem Raya No. 7, Lippo Karawaci 1200 Tangerang 15811
or send email to:
We are the leading manufacturer of kretek in the world. For more than 50 years, we have delivered high-quality kreteks to ensure our customer satisfaction. Our well known brands, such as Djarum Super, Djarum Black and LA Lights, are sold in numerous countries and already become international best sellers. Our success comes from diverse array of highly talented people who are fueled with passion for performance, dedication and being consistently innovative. Our environment is all about teamwork, integrity and mutual respect.
We are searching for people with shared passion, dedication and values to join our team as:
Marketing Trainee
(Indonesia Bagian Timur)
- As our trainees, you will undergo our one-year training where you will learn various marketing and management functions as you will be groomed to be part of our management team. Upon completion of training, you must be ready to relocate to any major cities throughout Indonesia.
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in any field.
- Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
- Full-Time positions available.
- Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Internal Audit
(Jawa Timur)
- Some essential duties of our Internal Auditor include drafting audit report, control accuracy of financial records, briefing audit findings to management, and preparing recommendation for corrective actions.
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.
- Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
- Full-Time positions available.
- Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Accounting Staff
(Jawa Timur)
- The role of our accounting staff is to help accounting manager in analyzing some accounting information and conducting other accounting activities.
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.
- Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
- 3 Full-Time positions available.
- Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Fresh graduates with outstanding academic track record are encouraged to apply.
We will only contact candidates who are eligible for company’s interview.
PT Djarum
Jl Aipda K S Tubun 2c no 57 Jakarta 11410.
PT Hanjaya Mandala SAMPOERNA Tbk., one of the leading tobacco manufacturing companies in Indonesia, produces brands such as Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, and Sampoerna Hijau, and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International, one of the leading international tobacco company.
Due to business growth, upcoming projects and other business objectives, we are looking for talented people who possess a passionate and enterprising spirit to grow with us in forming the future of our business.
Current opportunities include:
HR Generalist - Surabaya
(Jawa Timur - Surabaya)
- To provide accurate, comprehensive, timely and courteous solutions to HR related questions and queries based on government, company and other related regulations, policies and procedures as employee first contact point.
- Holding a minimum Bachelor Degree from all education background with minimum GPA 3.0;
- Having minimum 1-2 years experience in HR Department;
- Having solid knowledge in HR management;
- Having solid knowledge in HR related government, company and other related regulations, policies, procedures, and other related processes;
- Be able to operate Microsoft Office applications;
- Having good team work and cooperation;
- Be able and willing to work in tight deadlines;
- Having good analytical and learning capability, customer service and achievement orientation and interpersonal understanding.
For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please do your online application and attach your comprehensive resume in our career website at
or directly email us at
not later than June 09, 2009.
Only short-listed candidates will be notified
PT Merck Tbk. is a leading multinational company in the pharmaceutical and chemical business in Indonesia. Founded in 1970, PT Merck Tbk went public in 1981, and was one of the first companies registered on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The majority of the shares are held by the Merck Group, headquartered in Germany the oldest pharmaceutical and chemical companies in the world. In pharmaceutical, we manufacture and markets well-known pharmaceutical brands such as Neurobion®, Sangobion® and Glucophage® in a cGMP certified facility. In Chemical business, Merck markets a whole range of laboratory reagents, pigments and other specialty chemicals.
To accelerate our growing business, we are looking for candidates as:
Information System Staff (IS)
(Contract based for 6 months)
- Hold Bachelor degree in Information Technology (Fresh graduates are welcome, having experience in similar position will be advantages)
- Strong knowledge in trouble shooting for hardware, software, and network
- Expert in Windows, Ms. Office, Lotus Notes
- Having programming skill (Visual Basic, ASP, and PHP) would be preferable
- Willing to work under pressure
- Good team work and motivation
If you meet the above requirements, please submit your application, CV, related supporting documents, and a recent photograph, to:
PT. Merck Tbk Indonesia
Jl. TB Simatupang No. 8, Pasar Rebo, Jakarta Timur 13760
Telp. 021-28565600
Please put the code (IS) on the right top corner of your letter or on email subject
Staff Administration Cost Production
(Jawa Barat - Bekasi)
- Male
- Age between 24-28
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelors's Degree, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering from reputable Academy or University
- Computer literate (especially good in Microsoft Word and Excel)
- Fresh Graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply
- Able to work comfortably with and assist a wide range of individuals in a variety of situations
- Good Attitude, Analytical & Communication skill
- Initiative, Hard Working and Team Worker
- Applicants must be willing to work at Bekasi
- Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Kirim lamaran lengkap dan cantumkan Kode Posisi di sudut kiri atas ke:
TA Finance, is a fast growing company, joint venture between Toyota Financial Services Corp., Japan and PT. Astra International Tbk., which focuses on automotive financing throughout Indonesia.
We are commited in providing exceptional service to its customers with the aim of
" To be the Preferred Financing Solution for Toyota Ownership through Service Excellence"
General Affair (Building & Facility Management)
(Jakarta Raya)
Responsible to manage and plan Branch Opening Project. It includes make time line, propose budget, and present project plan to Board of Directions to ask approval. Your mainly activities will be pitch and coordinate with vendor, supervise daily progress Fit-Out from exterior until interior buiding, maintenance and repair existing facility.
- Should have at least Bachelor degree (S1), majoring in Civil or Architecture from reputable university with min GPA 3.00
- Age not more than 30 years old
- Proficient in Auto Cad, Photoshop and Power Point
- Project Management knowledge
- Fluent in English (oral & written)
- Have some knowledge and work experience in building design and maintenance
- Must be independent, customer service oriented, willing to work under pressure and good team player
Please send your application letter attached with photo and curriculum vitae to:
PT. Toyota Astra Financial Services
Mega Plaza Building, 8th floor
JL. H.R. Rasuna Said kav. C-3
Jakarta 12920
email to:
only shortlisted candidates will be notified
Due to our rapid growth and expansion, we are PT LG Electronics Indonesia a foreign global company dealing with electronics consumer goods business and manufacturing, searching for a highly motivated, innovative, teamwork-oriented, high integrity, and energetic person to join as
Marketing Insight
(Jakarta Raya - One Pasific Place, Suite 1101, SCBD)
- Conducting and analyzing research to support company marketing activity
- Processing and analyzing data for in-house research
- Preparing marketing insight report
- Minimum bachelor degree from any discipline (preferably Marketing, Statistics, Mathematics, or Industrial Engineering)
- Maximum 30 years old
- Minimum 1 year experience in marketing research company or similar institution
- Hard worker, fast learner, communicative, high integrity and initiative person
- Fluent in English, both oral & written
- Computer literate (MS. Office, SPSS)
PT LG ELectronics Indonesia
Kawasan Industri MM 2100 Blok G Cibitung Bekasi Bekasi 11111.